An Amazing Plugin
Event Management
You can make event easy with Schedule, Speaker, Venue, Sponsor, Gallery, Ticket. You can make multple Ticket Package with different number tickets and price. Checking Ticket via Mobile Application with multiple features.
[demo_desc icon=”fa-ticket” title=”PDF Ticket” desc=”The customer will receive PDF Ticket in mail. The admin can resend PDF Ticket for Customer”]
[demo_desc icon=”fa-qrcode” title=”QR, Bar Code” desc=”The Customer will receive QR, Bar Code in attachment file of mail also it will embed in PDF Ticket”]
[demo_desc icon=”fa-check” title=”Verify Ticket” desc=”You can use the App in mobile to scan QR code so the ticket status will update in the database”]
[demo_desc icon=”fa-money” title=”Payment Gateway” desc=”Support Paypal, Stripe, Offline Payment also all payment gateway in Woocommerce”]
[demo_desc icon=”fa-calendar” title=”Event Calendar” desc=”Easy display event in Calendar. It supports some filters: Upcoming, Featured, Past Event”]
[demo_desc icon=”fa-user” title=”Frontend Submission” desc=”The client register an user then they can submit event to site. Them can manage info customer and ticket”]
[demo_desc icon=”fa-heart” title=”One Click” desc=”Easily import our designed demos with just one click. Build websites quickly within few seconds”]
[demo_desc icon=”fa-google” title=”SEO optimized” desc=”EM4U is Built With Care Allowing Search Engines to Help Rank Your Website Higher.”]
[demo_desc icon=”fa-heart” title=”Visual Composer” desc=”You can make content easily with Visual Composer. Drap and Drop section in home page.”]

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